The ILS has put together this list of members so that our website and trackside visitors can get acquainted with the members.
Blaine Alleman As soon as a bio is available, it will be published.
Regina Alleman As soon as a bio is available, it will be published.
Dick Bray
- As soon as a bio is available, it will be published. |
Michael Brown As soon as a bio is available, it will be published.
Brian Brozek Brian is a Supporting/Associate Member. As soon as a bio is available, it will be published.
Tyler Cook As soon as a bio is available, it will be published.
Noel Dalman As soon as a bio is available, it will be published.
Gerry Dilley As soon as a bio is available, it will be published.
Patsy Dilley As soon as a bio is available, it will be published.
Jim Eaton As soon as a bio is available, it will be published. |
Clint Ensworth An honorary life member of the Group for contributions to the hobby |
Adam Fisher As soon as a bio is available, it will be published.
Bob Fox As soon as a bio is available, it will be published. |
Adriel Fulk As soon as a bio is available, it will be published. |
Don Fulk As soon as a bio is available, it will be published. |
Joy Fulk
Joy is a Supporting/Associate Member. As soon as a bio is available, it will be published. |
Joe Gentile As soon as a bio is available, it will be published.
Dan Goins As soon as a bio is available, it will be published |
Brian Goodnight As soon as a bio is available, it will be published |
John Herman
John has been a member since the mid 1980's. A retired teacher from the Indianapolis school system after 37 years of service. He builds scale ships, and trains. He also is a wood worker, who builds and repairs spinning wheels, looms, other weaving equipment. He built the coaling tower and water tower at the current track. He enjoys the construction and repair part of the hobby, especially buildings and signage. He has served as treasurer, recording secretary, and board chairman. He is currently working on a Canadian National #9000 from 1930, two-part oil electric under the skill, guidance and efforts of John Huzinga. |
Ben Hoffman As soon as a bio is available, it will be published |
Joe Hudson As soon as a bio is available, it will be published |
Be the first member listed here. |
Martin Justis As soon as a bio is available, it will be published.
Dave Kirch
Dave is one of the old timers. A member of ILS since 1985, he has served as President of the club in the past. He is a general building contractor and can be seen at the track helping mix concrete and helping with various other construction projects. He is building an Allen Models 10 Wheeler on his home shop equipment, which consists of a mill, lathe, and band saw. |
Brad Lane
I am an elevator mechanic by trade, and have been a member of the ILS since the fall of 2006. I am also running a free lance locomotive, which I built with the help of John Huzinga. |
Darla Martin As soon as a bio is available, it will be published.
Larry Martin As soon as a bio is available, it will be published.
Barty Moffet As soon as a bio is available, it will be published.
Mitchel Montgomery As soon as a bio is available, it will be published.
Jeff Murray As soon as a bio is available, it will be published.
John Nunn As soon as a bio is available, it will be published |
David Ostendorf As soon as a bio is available, it will be published |
Larry Ostendorf As soon as a bio is available, it will be published |
Be the first member listed here. |
Be the first member listed here. |
Dan and Peggy Racke Dan is a retired software engineer, and serves as our signals guy. Peggy is a retired biochemist from Eli Lilly, and is in charge of making sure that every passenger is wearing a smile when they board the trains. |
Tim Roberts As soon as a bio is available, it will be published |
David Sams
David is a Supporting/Associate Member. As soon as a bio is available, it will be published |
Jim Sanders As soon as a bio is available, it will be published |
Don Smith As soon as a bio is available, it will be published |
Debbie Steiman-Cameron
Debbie is a Supporting/Associate Member. As soon as a bio is available, it will be published |
Ezra Steiman-Cameron As soon as a bio is available, it will be published |
Noah Steiman-Cameron
Noah is a Supporting/Associate Member. As soon as a bio is available, it will be published |
Tom Steiman-Cameron As soon as a bio is available, it will be published |
Christine Stewart As soon as a bio is available, it will be published |
David Swann As soon as a bio is available, it will be published |
Margie Swann As soon as a bio is available, it will be published |
Be the first member listed here. |
Be the first member listed here. |
Be the first member listed here. |
Lawrence Wassell
Lawrence is a Supporting/Associate Member. As soon as a bio is available, it will be published |
Be the first member listed here. |
Be the first member listed here. |
Be the first member listed here. |
Page last updated 08/10/2021